Interviews And Experiences

Here, you will find the experiences of other dog owners like yourself. Also, sometimes we will interview professionals, to gain their wisdom, and and share it with you here.


Training | Exercise And Fun | Medical | Interviews/Experience | Miscellaneous


Moms and dogs

Moms And Dogs

Hear from a stay at home mom who never thought that owning a dog was in her master plan for the perfect home.

When Dinner Guests Arrive

When Dinner Guests Arrive

Just for fun, here is a short story about all the bad things that could happen with an unbehaved dog when Dinner Guests arrive.


clicker training experience

A Clicker Training Experience

Puppies have problems - messes in the floor, tearing up things, and worse. But it is much easier with a clicker and treats in your hand. Here is one girl's experience with clicker training.