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You have a few minutes to play with your dog. He's getting extremely hyper from lack of exercise. What will he enjoy the most? Well, of course we can't know exactly what kinds of games your dog enjoys the most, but here is a "top ten" list for my dog. Who knows, this could be the guide to your dog's top ten favorite games too.
10. Jump
This could include jumping through a hula hoop, or jumping over someone's legs if they're sitting in a chair and have them propped up on another. This requires a little bit of training, but in the end, your dog should really enjoy leap (especially if you have a few treats in your hand). They may even get to the point where Fido leaps without even wanting a treat, just for enjoyment. Be careful not to do this too long, as it can strain your dog's hips.
9. Hide and Seek
It may take a while to teach your dog how to hide, but it's easy for her to do the seek part! Just run off and quickly hide, and she'll follow you. She gets the idea that you're playing a game when she enters the room and can't find you, so she uses her nose to sniff you out.
8. "Find it"
This is a fun favorite at our house. Our dog has learned to use his sniffer and hunt a certain object hidden in the room. You let him smell the object (an old hat, or a toy that you use specifically for the 'find-it game') and you make him wait outside the room. Once you've hidden it, say, "Find it!" the dog enters the room, sniffs around, and hunts down that object. It is a hilarious game that is challenging for the pet and funny for friends and family to watch.
7. Monkey in the Middle
This is pretty self-explanatory. The dog is always in the middle, and you and a friend throw a tennis ball back and forth. Let her catch it every now and then.
6. Tug-of-war
If your dog knows how to tug, then this could be a favorite. Our dog loves his tug-toy so much. Every now and then he and I have a tug-of-war match. He usually beats me. Once I was sitting in the floor and he pulled me all the way across the room!
5. Kong
This is the ideal game for special occasions - i.e. when you're out of the house or are leaving your doggie alone for a while. This toy is especially made to put treats inside and stay inside until the puppy finds a way to get them out. Putting peanut butter inside is even more fun for the dog, because even if the doggie gets the treats out, there is always a little peanut butter in there that it wants. Getting the treats out of the Kong can last for hours, with no puppy getting bored!
4. Tag
This is my favorite. I chase him (and it is very hard to catch him) then I run away and he chases me. Then I chase him…etc.
3. Fetch!
Throw a tennis ball as far as your yard (or local dog park) will allow, and have Puppy fetch.
2. Frisbee
This is another "Fetch" idea, but our dog likes it with the Frisbee better. It flies much nicer and Caspian even catches it in the air most of the time. It's his second-to-favorite thing to do! But his first favorite is….
1. Flashlight/laser pointer
We don't do this but every now and then. Our dog knows that it's the flashlight or pointer that produces that object on the floor, but he loves to chase it anyway! If he hears the flashlight 'click,' on, even if he's asleep in another room he comes running.
I hope this was helpful! And remember that pretty much whatever game you make up for your dog to enjoy, it's the bonding time that you have between you and your dog that makes it special.
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