The timber, or gray, wolf, which undoubtedly has an influence in the formation of the native Indian and Eskimo dogs of this country, formerly occupied practically all of the northern continent of America. He is a large, strong animal, attaining a weight of probably well over 100 pounds. His main points of difference from "true" dogs are the wooly brush and the small, obliquely set eyes.
In form he is close counterpart of such dogs as the German shepherd. His coat is harsh and quite long, especially on the neck, throat, shoulders, and hind quarters. In color he ranges from nearly pure white in the Arctic to black in Florida and the more humid regions. The average color is grizzled gray and buff.
The coyote is extremely similar in color, following the changes, geographically, which characterize his big and burly cousin. In weight the coyote seldom goes over 60 pound, and an average would probably be under 40. He is much more fox-like in general appearance, having relatively as well as actually a more slender muzzle and even bushier tail. His gait is an easy, shadow-like trot until scared or in hot pursuit, when he flattens out and simply flies over the ground.